Friday, May 13, 2011

the lost hard drive

my long lost Shenandoah drinking buddy
For anyone who was following our Big Trip of 2010 you may remember the hard drive crash in Rhode Island. We had to have a new drive installed in the laptop but the old drive took a mess of travel photos with it. mrs. a-go-go had uploaded some things to Flickr and a few things made it into blog posts but most of the photos from North Carolina to New York were in jeopardy. The folks who put in the new drive told us they could not recover what was on the drive and gave us the name of a company in California that might be able to retrieve something... for a price. Not having the dough or the time to deal with it, the old hard drive lived in a drawer with the hope that one day it could be resurrected.

Well folks, now I have a job at a little company, iFixit, that sells parts for apple laptops (among other things) and publishes free guides for the adventurous electronic device mechanic in the rest of us. Over the last two months or so working at iFixit I have learned a great deal about tinkering with computers. This gave me the confidence to see if I could get anything out of the old hard drive. Turns out it was no sweat! The directory on the old drive was a mess but I had no difficulty at all transferring the lost photos off the old drive. Hmmm... those nincompoops who put in the new drive didn't try very hard at all.

So here's to being bold and adventurous in travel and in electronics. And now, a short selection of the missing part of the Big Trip:
 Pisgah Covered Bridge, North Carolina
a wee water fall, Hanging Rock, North Carolina
fireflies! woo woo!
in Virginia a bit East of Shenandoah National Park
estuary on the Chesapeake
c'mon mr. Lincoln, jump!
so many D.C. museums yer head'll cave in
magic outsider art in Baltimore
people who died of smallpox in Philly
Coney Island mermaids
Washington Square, Manhattan, dance revolution
hail hail
flying over the Hudson on foot
more leaping in the cemetery
That's all folks. Thank you, Kingston, New York.

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