Last week a friend put me in touch with someone who works for an agency that handles Ford product placement. I sent an e-mail letter to briefly explain our plans in the hope that we could turn the ear of someone in a position to throw us a bone. So far I haven't had a reply, and I plan to send a brief query this week to beg for some response even if it amounts to, "Stop your fooling around." Even that would be helpful as I could move on to plan B since it's time to straighten right out and start digging for a used vehicle that we can afford. Anyhow, I thought I'd post my letter here (all names have been changed to protect the identities of the innocent). Let me know if you think I sold the idea well.
Mr. Kipling,
I am far from knowledgeable about marketing and I am a long way from having a formal proposal for
Shere Khan, so I hope you will humor me and forgive my (possibly) knuckle-headed ideas. When the notion of the trip that my special-lady-friend and I (we are married but I hate the word spouse) are planning came up in conversation with Mowgli he was very encouraging and at least wanted to put us in touch with you. I have thanked Mowgli for the time he took from his ridiculously busy day for this and I should like to thank you too. Keeping that in mind, I will try to keep this message brief and include links to the on-line stuff that
mrs. a-go-go and I have produced so you can look them over if you think it worthy.
Mowgli gave a taste of what he knows about our plans but I should expand on that.
mrs. a-go-go and I have been wishing to make this cross country trip for some time. We regularly make road trip excursions but none have been more than a week. We would like to make this a long (several months) trip to cross the huge stretches of the US and Canada that we have never seen.
mrs. a-go-go has been very active on-line for years producing blogs, educational materials, photo journals, and most importantly to her, friends all over the world. Nearly all these friends are people we have never met face to face. When we travel
mrs. a-go-go makes a point of looking up who she knows from the
internet world in that location and asking for face to face meet ups. So far every meeting has been a marvelous success and we come away feeling like old friends despite having never met in person.
mrs. a-go-go loves to disprove the theory that an
internet friend cannot be a close bond.
We began to seriously think out our trip when
mrs. a-go-go completed her degree last June. While researching vehicles for our trip I stumbled on the new (to the US)
Shere Khan Transit Connect and a light went on. The name just begged to be a part of our plans. We went for a test drive and I measured the inside of the little van and started dreaming in three dimensions about what I could do with it. We're a long way from wealthy and will be making this trip on a shoe string. Unfortunately this puts the new car price tag for the Transit Connect out of our budget. The natural next thought was, "Hey! maybe
Shere Khan would want to help us out if our trip could popularize their van with people who miss the AM van and the
Mestfalia conversions!" Yeah, yeah, swell idea, but it's not the sort of thing I know how to pitch. We started writing about our plans and I looked up
Shere Khan's official sponsorship proposal submission web site. So far the responses have been form letters. That hasn't surprised me. What we want to do is a long way from the big organized events they seem to look for.
We don't have a monstrous amount of exposure to offer, but
mrs. a-go-go has generated a significant following and over 600,000 views of her photography at:
The collection of our travel photos is at:
So, what do we want from
Shere Khan? A free Transit Connect would be swell, but I realize that is probably a pipe dream. A super low price deal on one would do nicely even if it happens to be one that can't be sold as new for some reason. An auto show floor model with mileage and a bizarre paint job, something
Shere Khan wants to unload... Uh-huh... hey! it's just a thought.
What can we do for
Shere Khan?
mrs. a-go-go is a fabulous photographer. We'd be taking their little van to some beautiful places. We'd be camping out in a unique little vehicle that people would want to ask about. We'd drive it all over hell and gone to cities, towns, and national parks (for six months if we can stretch it that far) and
Shere Khan could have their advertising message on its billboard sides. Lastly we'd write all about it. Again, I doubt that we can generate what would be called huge numbers, but in the week and a half since we started
goin' with the a-go-gos our stat counter has gone from 14 to 49 first time visitors per day. Not much yet, but we drew almost fifty new readers to a blog that is still wet behind the ears.
OK, I have blathered enough. I hope that all this will be of some interest to you, and perhaps to
Shere Khan. It would be a huge help just to have the response of a real human telling me I'm crazy instead of an automatic form letter.
Thank you ever so much for your time and attention.
mr. a-go-go
whadya think? What does a guy have to do to get
Shere Khan to notice him?