Wednesday, January 27, 2010

way outside the narrow li'l box

Ah well, it seems the folks running Ford's marketing campaign don't care much for our pitch. It was nice to get a message from an actual person rather than an automatic form letter, but I am sad that the message was a thumbs down.

As I mentioned in an earlier post a friend of mine had managed to put me in touch with someone who does product placement for Ford. I had not heard a response for some time so I sent a follow up query on Friday. The person I originally contacted had forwarded our idea to an upper division muckity-muck in Ford marketing (yes, I am consciously avoiding naming anyone) and that was who sent the rejection letter on Monday. The reason given was this:
Unfortunately, your project does not align with the marketing messaging for Transit Connect. We are focused on illustrating the truck at work with passionate entrepreneurs of small businesses in the confines of cities. I thank you for submitting your ideas and for considering our unique new truck.
A polite, "No thanks." It's good to have at least that so I can stop wondering if anyone had read my pitch. I replied politely, thanked them for their time and attention, and said I was sorry to hear that the marketing campaign for the Transit Connect was so gosh dern narrow. Ah well...

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