Sunday, July 4, 2010

the a-go-gos go to the country

6/22 New York state, cows and weenies

if you missed the message about the dead laptop... well here's one of the results... this and several of the following posts will be sans photo. The machine has been fixed up with a new hard drive but the photos that didn't get uploaded to Flickr will be locked away until we can seek out a data recovery place in California. Until then, we'll all just have to use our descriptive powers and imaginations.

we spent a week hanging out with our old neighbor and friend in the in new york state. when we told people we'd be staying in new york and taking it easy they couldn't understand how that was possible. we had to clarify that we were in new york state, not the city and that we were parking it on a road equipped with cows, deer, bunnies, frogs, warblers, raspberries, currants, and the biggest ants i have ever seen...not to mention its very own corner graveyard. yup folks, we were in the country enjoying the critters and hanging out with friends.

our first day, nico, our host swept us away for a tasty-filling lunch at soul dog, a gluten free hot dog joint on the east side of the hudson in poughkeepsie proper. we feasted on thai dogs and cubanos and chili mac & cheese fries...yes, way too much but very tasty. after we stuffed ourselves silly, we hit the neighborhood for some groceries and a chill out day hoping my allergies might leave already.

we roasted up some cauliflower and whipped up a saute of shallots and cashews for our hostess as our plans to hit the drive-in that evening were dashed when the rain hit loud and flashy-like. after much cahooting and chatting we all hit the hay so we could be up bright and early-ish for a trek across the hudson river walkway.


  1. YAY, NICO!
    How about a back-of-restaurant-placemat/paper-napkin bertnernie illustration par monsieur a-go-go??? (i want to see one that explains the term 'cahooting'...)

  2. cahooting? Were there California owls with you? Or maybe a colluding bunch of audience participation singers?



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