after our fantastic weekend of berry picking & museum hopping we were ready for our next installment of rhode island and off to visit our online friends, the powers'. the youngest power spent some time visiting us a-go-gos three or so years ago and we were looking forward to seeing her sparkly face again.
my allergies were still acting up along with our sad little powerbook so we headed off once again to the apple store in search of a wizard or genius or something. sadly there was no ruby red heel clicking and we had to take the book (aka Daisy) out to another small rhode island town to see what they could do there. while we waited, we met with the young ivy and swept her off for a lunch for yummy sandwiches and italian desserts. we had hiked back and forth on federal hill (in the summer hot) for the deed and i found myself more wheezy than ever. since we do not have back seats in Rodney we weren't able to whisk her away for any added fun so we parted for a couple of hours to recoup and hide from the icky the mister and i began our drive to their home the craziest of rain storms slapped us up silly but we managed to make it the colorful house with the crystal chandelier on the front porch full of happy friends and kooky animals. hiding out from the rain we hung out and chatted as the mama powers dazzled us with her plans for our visit. the rain had put a slight damper on it all so for the first night we chattered ourselves silly and hit a local spot for burgers and wings and beer and things. we crawled into our makeshift beds with full bellies and smiles. fun was in store!
well...sort of. i suppose me dry heat west coast sensibilities had finally had their fill of all the humidity and pollen that my body had been collecting since south carolina and i had the mother of all asthma attacks (for me at least). even with the puff puff puffing of my beloved red rescue inhaler i was still miss wheezy and my ears had clogged up to boot and i felt like someone had pulled my batteries out. i really was in need of a recharge. i was out of commission. no ifs ands or buts. simply out. poor mr. a-go-go, the worry on his face made me want to cry if i had any energy for it i would have. the adventuring plans the powers had made were dashed and we spent a good, if not snazzy, day hanging out in some delicious tea shops with our gracious hosts. after much battling with various doctors' offices, i was able to finagle some antibiotics and icky toxic other stuff to put me back on the healing path. and if yer wondering how i could diagnose myself this way i will tell ya that this happens every year and this is what does the trick. seriously folks i was OUT OF COMMISSION. not as bad as the month before we left but oh so close. so close. asthma and menopause do NOT mix. aack! sadly our stay was cut short both by my allergies and our dead powerbook. i recouped a wee bit camping out in a motel room watching the food network and taking the mother of all naps. after a hot breakfast of motel waffles and a trek to target for my antibiotics we made our way for one last hurrah with ivy and family. we did manage to squeeze in a photobooth strip and a jump shot (as high as my meager breathing would allow) and another hug and a couple of my lovely hosts were unable to show me their beloved rhode island and i feel awful for that but at the same time, my goal for this trip isn't the places i've been it's the people i've seen and hugged and squeezed so i hope they do forgive me my sad allergies and shoddy immune system. we'll be back for a true rhode island tour we will. after all there was a lot to see and i didn't even get to take pictures and you know that if i failed to photograph all the good stuff i MUST have been sick. i'm already mourning the pretty pretty row houses and colorful gingerbread details...sigh.
Poor you! Feel better soon.