Monday, May 10, 2010

following the rabbit down the hole

naughty naughty pet
I'd rather have a good photo of Joshua Tree National Park here but I thought the naughty pet was appropriate even though he's not white or wearing a vest or carrying a pocket-watch. So today we head off to Joshua Tree and then to the Grand Canyon which mrs. a-go-go has never seen. Rodney seems to be doing OK and the orange RTV form-a-gasket seems to be doing the trick keeping the old CV joints happy.

We have now spent a week packing, a weekend moving and storing, a week in San Luis Obispo doing final prep and visiting family, and one more weekend visiting friends. Now we head down the rabbit hole. The next shower may be as far away as Cave Creek, AZ next friday. I am supposing that our posts will be held up for a bit, but well have that weekend to catch up and load the first batch of travel photos.

Here we go, folks. Now which way did that orange rabbit in the pink sweater go?


  1. Dear A-go-gos. Since my dear hubby is a Mr. A-Stay-Stay, for now anyway, I am so looking forward to your trip and the photos. As the Irish proverb kind of says (I changed it for you ;) May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at (Rodney's) back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall (softly on you and Rodney), and, until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand (and Rodney's wheels on the pavement). I know it's changed, but I truly mean it and am praying for safety for you both and Rodney to run well.

  2. Going down the rabbit hole was great for Alice, I wish no less for the two of you. Be safe and happy... I always try to tell my mum... clean is optional.



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