Tuesday, May 11, 2010

what? only day two?

well folks, after enjoying our overnight in johua tree national park we finally made it to arizona. it took many hours but we did it. along the way we drove all pokey-like along a long, long highway. we managed 350 miles on one tank of gas, go Rodney!we saw the most remarkable salt flat along one stretch that had flowing crystal blue water and bank upon bank of glittery rock salt so cool!we also found ourselves on old route 66 where the famous amboy shoe tree was. well, it's still there but completely toppled over for all the converse and cork wedgies laced about it.and upon entering arizona we saw the colorado river...with actual water in it. i feel all hokey that i love it all.

here's to hoping we get a camp site in tusayan!


  1. Seriously, day two and already in arizona? So you'll be in Rhode Island in, like, 3 days? Just Kidding! I'm so excited to be seeing photos and reading grand tales of adventure already-- this is fun!!! That salt flat is really amazing-- how on earth do you find these crazy things??? Im glad you made it out of LA safely. Have fun out there in the world!!!

  2. That aquamarine water in the salt ditch. I've never seen! Did you taste the water? Does the water move fast?



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